HENSARD UNIVERSITY Hostels provide clean, roomy lodgings and provide students with a range of food options, recreation facilities, and calm and quiet conditions that are conducive to learning.
Both boys and girls have separate and secure hostel amenities. The highest focus has been given to round-the-clock safety and security, particularly for girls. Students are aided with any health difficulties because the UNIVERSITY ensures superspecialist hospital facility.
Counsellors are available at the hostels to help with mental health. Hostels with clean drinking water, study halls, neighbouring food courts and cafeterias, convenience stores, laundry facilities, 24/7 power backup, and Wi-Fi provide better learning and Residential opportunities for the students.
Attention all students, parents, and stakeholders: Ensure to verify information exclusively from our official website, www.hensarduniversity.edu.ng, and our designated social media channels. Disregard any details shared in unofficial group chats. Additionally, only make payments through accounts linked to our website. Stay vigilant and trust only verified sources for accurate updates and transactions.