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In the Department of Broadcasting, we explore the exciting world of radio, television, and digital media. Our programmes provide students with hands-on experience in broadcast production, journalism, content creation, and media management. With the Hensard Model's emphasis on entrepreneurship, our students have the opportunity to develop their own media projects, engage in practical internships with leading media organizations, and pursue entrepreneurial ventures in broadcasting, podcasting, and digital media production.
The Department of Film & Multimedia Studies offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves into the art and craft of filmmaking, multimedia production, and visual storytelling. Through hands-on projects and creative collaborations, our students develop their skills in screenwriting, cinematography, editing, and multimedia design. With the Hensard Model's entrepreneurial focus, our students have the opportunity to showcase their work, participate in film festivals, and explore entrepreneurial ventures in film production, animation, virtual reality, and new media platforms.
In the Department of Journalism, we nurture the next generation of journalists who are equipped with the skills to investigate, report, and communicate news and stories. Our programmes emphasize ethical journalism, multimedia storytelling, and newsroom practices. With the Hensard Model's practical approach, our students have the opportunity to engage in real-world reporting, internships with prominent media organizations, and entrepreneurial endeavors in digital journalism, data journalism, and media entrepreneurship.